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segunda-feira, fevereiro 22, 2010

Poker Chances

In my second Winter playing this amazing game that Poker, and only Poker is, i've been working out several things.
For example. Playing several tournaments (freerolls, mostly per day), playing four or five at the same time (not recommended if you intend to play in some other platforms that not PokerStars; some will crash your PC...).
I've become addiccted, trying always to stay as long as i can at that tourney, but i always dare risking when i've a deep feeling about those two cards, that usually, most players don't give a penny!

How could i know when i started that a pair of pocket ten's can be much more than AK!?! Or that a 3, 5d suited or even a Q10 or J9 could do wonders.

The main thing is about to understand who's playing with us, their style, to guess the cards and the draws they are betting into... And define our way to play and deal with it.

O f course, none of this makes sense if you're not in the mood. Go to the table with no hurry's and make sure you have enough coffee and cookies to stay alive. Even this morning, i saw the Sunday Million Final (after more than 13hours of play); in fact i saw 3 finals between 9 and 11am WET.

Like in surf, no amount of money can buy you perfect poker, but a glimpse of luck a few good hands, flops and prayers, can make some rivers turn into the SEA!

So many hours thinking, betting, avoiding bluffs, and sometimes, shortstaked, with your heart almost in your throat, playing poker reveals the very best of your state of mind, and your good shape. Or simply not! There aren't two days the same! Just like in fishing! Which is why playing poker is clearly a game of skil!

See you soon

Kind regards


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