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quinta-feira, janeiro 20, 2011

Another year goes by...

After two years practising poker in my freetimes, specially in the Winter (third Winter doing it...) some of my friends call me addicted.
For those who think the same way i can tell - "Well, who doesn't have money doesn't have vices!".

Of course this rookie is already reaching and getting some skills, by playing several and different games with different fields.

With no help from any kind of software, i've been preparing myself to play by myself.

My favorite help as been watching the replays that pokerstars provide, either on game area or the excelency from

At this moment i can assure everyone that i can feel a lot better, and my heart doesn't jump over my throat so often, as last year! =)

Anyway, i guess it always depends on the final tables and the money involved.

Sometimes i suffer a lot more seeing the others playing, specially the replays!

I saw Isildur1 playing in his first pokerstars games and, somehow beside no beeing Omaha, i could feel some magic!

Congrats Pokerstars, my Poker Home Site, now with Home Games for you and your friends.

Votes of Great 2011 for everysingle member.

Hugs and Kisses
